martes, 21 de febrero de 2012

10th. vocabulary 1rst term.

young people, this is the full vocabulary so you have no excuses.

 Internet: An interconnected system of networks that connects computers around the world

Satellite:  Aerospace An object launched to orbit Earth or another celestial body.

Cybernetics: the science of communications and automatic control systems in both machines and living things.

Core storage: a kind of computer memory consisting of storage units made of ferromagnetic rings

DATUM:  a single piece of information; fact

To edit: To prepare (written material) for publication or presentation, as by correcting, revising, or adapting.

Electronics: the branch of physics and technology concerned with the behaviour and movement of electrons, especially in semiconductors and gases.

Feedback: information given in response to a product, a person's performance of a task, etc., used as a basis for improvement.

File:  Computing a collection of data or programs stored under a single identifying name.

Hardware: A computer and the associated physical equipment directly involved in the performance of
Data-processing or communications functions.

Software: programs and other operating information used by a computer. 

Input: information that is put into a computer 

Inquiry: an act of asking for information
 Memory: A unit of a computer that preserves data for retrieval.

Load: to put a program into a computer, or to be put into a computer:

 Output: if a computer outputs information, it produces it

Simulator: a machine that is used for training people by letting them feels what real conditions are like, for example in a plane:
a flight simulator

Translator: someone who changes writing into a different language

To update: a change or addition to a computer file so that it has the most recent information

To broadcasta programme on the radio or on television

Live program: a TV. Program which is broadcasted alive

News bulletin:  A brief update or summary of current news, as on television or radio or in a newspaper.  

Close shot: a motion-picture shot made with the camera near the person or object but far enough away to include some of the background

Capitalist economy using or supporting capitalism  the capitalist system

Autarchy:   Absolute rule or power; autocracy; 2 economic independence or self-sufficiency. 3 a state or society which is economically independent.

Economic policy:  refers to the actions that governments take in the economic field

Purchasing power:  is the number of goods/services that can be purchased with a unit of currency.

Scarcity: a situation in which there is not enough of something 
the scarcity of employment opportunities

Stagnation:  is a prolonged period of slow economic growth , usually accompanied by high unemployment.

Underdevelopment: a country, area etc that is poor and where there is not much modern industry 

Share: one of the equal parts into which the ownership of a company is divided

Shareholder: someone who owns shares in a company or business

Investment: the use of money to get a profit or to make a business activity successful, or the money that is used

Checking ACCOUNT: a bank account that you can take money out of at any time, and for which you are given checks to use to pay for things synonym current account British English  

Cash: money in the form of coins or notes rather than cheques, credit cards etc:
Cash was taken during a burglary of the apartment.

Bill : a written list showing how much you have to pay for services you have received, work that has been done etc

Local currency: a local currency, in its common usage, is a currency not backed by a national government 

Stock exchange:  provides services for stock brokers and traders to trade stocks, bonds, and other securities

Saving: all the money that you have saved, especially in a bank

Inflation: a continuing increase in prices, or the rate at which prices increase

Lender: a person or organization that lends money to people on condition that they pay it back

Loan: an amount of money that you borrow from a bank etc

Mortgage: a legal arrangement by which you borrow money from a bank or similar organization in order to buy a house, and pay back the money over a period of years:

 Debtor: a person, group, or organization that owes Money

Goods: things that are produced in order to be sold

Raw materials:  An unprocessed natural product used in manufacture.

Supply: an amount of something that is available to be used supply of
Eg. I've only got a week's supply of tablets left.

Expenditure: the total amount of money that a government, organization, or person spends during a particular period of time synonym spending

Income: the money that you earn from your work or that you receive from investments, the government etc

Earnings: the money that you receive for the work that you do

Yield: the amount of profits, crops etc that something produces:
the average milk yield per cow has doubled.

Tax: an amount of money that you must pay to the government according to your income, property, goods etc and that is used to pay for public services

Custom. Someone who buys goods or services from a shop, company etc:

Middleman: someone who buys things in order to sell them to someone else, or who helps to arrange business deals for other people

Wholesaler a person or company who sells goods wholesale

Retailer a person or business that sells goods to customers in a shop

Purchase something you buy, or the act of buying it:
She paid for her purchases and left.

Bulk sale:   the sale of all or a large part of a merchant's stock as well as equipment.

Instalment plan: A credit system by which payment for merchandise is made in installments over a fixed period of time.

Black-market the system by which people illegally buy and sell foreign money, goods that are difficult to obtain etc

Monopoly a large company that controls all or most of a business activity:

Foresight the ability to imagine what is likely to happen and to consider this when planning for the future

Budget the money that is available to an organization or person, or a plan of how it will be spent
Accountant someone whose job is to keep and check financial accounts, calculate taxes etc

 RECEIPT a piece of paper that you are given which shows that you have paid for something

VOUCHER a ticket that can be used instead of money for a particular purpose

ADVANCED to give someone money before they have earned it

CASH ON DELIVERY a payment system in which the customer pays the person who delivers the goods to them

DOWN PAYMENT a payment you make when you buy something that is only part of the full price, with the rest to be paid later:
we’ve almost got enough money to make a down payment on a house.

PAYMENT IN KIND a way of paying for something with goods or services instead of money

REFUND an amount of money that is given back to you if you are not satisfied with the goods or services that you have paid for

COMPENSATION money paid to someone because they have suffered injury or loss, or because something they own has been damaged

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